Chowder Fan Club
Chowder Fan Club

Chowder's Wisdom Tooth is basically the storyteller in some of the episodes.

He is portrayed as an "old tooth" saying words like "sasafrasin" and coughing. As well as storytelling, he also plays the banjo. He appeared in "The Puckerberry Overlords" and then a short cameo appearance in "Panini for President". He also narrated the end of "Chowder Grows Up". The Wisdom Tooth told Chowder that Sour Ron was very grumpy. He is usually seen in stop-motion animation, and shown once in traditional-animated form. He also calls Chowder a cat/bear/rabbit thing. He has a bushy mustache and is usually shown with a book or a banjo.


  • As his name implies, the Wisdom Tooth is indeed wise. However, he is not an actual wisdom tooth.
  • His eyes are shown when he coughs.
  • He's possibly the sharp tooth that shows out of Chowder's mouth, but it is unlikely because of his shape.
  • It's possible that the Wisdom Tooth is a friendly parody of Sam Elliot's character The Stranger in the cult classic The Big Lebowski, given his strong southern accent, bushy mustache, and tendency for long and somewhat pointless narrations, such as deciding what to call the main character.
  • He is seen mostly in 3D and was only seen in 2D when Chowder looked at him