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"Hey, Hey It's Knishmas!" is the 7th episode of the second season of Chowder and the 45th episode overall. It is the Chowder Christmas special and the third 22 minute episode of the series.


Chowder hatches a plan to save Mung's dignity after he hits rock bottom and is forced to buy a dish from Endive in order to ensure everyone has a Merry Knishmas.


Can I please go now?


Shmingerbread house

And nothing can go wrong!

Chowder is worried that he might not get the gift he has his heart set on getting: an Electric Broccoli Trimmer with Detachable Non-Electric Cauliflower Trimmer for Knishmas, meanwhile Mung tries to make a schmingerbread house but is terrible at making them so Truffles just tell Mung to buy a schmingerbread house. At first Mung refuse to swallow his pride but then Truffles points out and ask him if he wants to be the one to disappoint Chowder on Knishmas morning.

Mung imagines Chowder waking up too see that A) he didn't get his trimmer, and B) the kitchen is destroyed due to the terrible schmingerbread house Mung made. This makes Chowder angry and he decided to leave forever.

Snapping back to reality, Mung realizes that Truffles is right and he decides to buy a schmingerbread house from Endive rather than risk making a shoddy one. Endive agrees on one condition: Mung has to admit that she is a better chef than him.

Chowder sees Mung buy the schmingerbread house. As a result, he is worried and wants to trick Mung into thinking his schmingerbread house is better. Chowder, Panini, and Gorgonzola dress up as Knish Krinkle. However, the real Knish Krinkle comes and Chowder has to race to the schmingerbread house first in order to make Mung Daal happy. All the noise wakes Truffles up, and she orders Mung to see what's going on. Mung is shocked at what he sees and asks Chowder why he ate the house.

Chowder explains to Mung that he couldn't let Mung feel awful and have his pride destroyed. He further explains that Knishmas isn't about getting, but about about giving. Chowder thanks Panini and Gorgonzola for their help, giving the latter a sweater made of all the fur that Gazpacho had shed while he was wearing the Knish Kringle-suit and gives Panini a kiss on the cheek (which Panini is obviously thrilled by). But then Mung points out that Chowder still didn't get the trimmer he wanted but Chowder tries assuring his mentor that it's not a big deal, pointing he can always wait until next Knishmas to get it and hopefully Mung will have improved on his Shmingerbread-making skills by then.

However, the real Knish Kringle (touched by Chowder's generosity and realizing the lengths he had gone to help Mung) gives Chowder the trimmer that he's been vying for -- Chowder's ecstatic by this and the episode ends with the characters wishing everyone a "Merry Knishmas!"



  • This is the only episode of the series to not have a puppet sequence at the end credits.
  • This is first time Chowder has purposely kissed Panini with his lips in the series, albeit hesitantly.
    • It would be the second time he kisses her if one counts the rainbow kiss he performs in Burple Nurples.
  • C.H. Greenblatt cameos in this episode as a bald child.
  • In one viewing of this episode, part of the theme song was cut off and it didn't show the episode's title.
  • This is the first episode to have a custom title card, the second one being "Gazpacho!"
  • Chowder asking Gorgonzola "With your flame so bright, won't you shine your light tonight?" is a reference to a lyric in the Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer song, "With your nose so bright, won't you guide my sleigh tonight?"
  • Mung owns two personal pictures, one of Truffles and the other of Shnitzel. Truffles' consists of her drawn in a suggestive pose, and the other is of Shnitzel in the shower.
  • Mung is revealed to have a cat-like tail in this episode.
  • When Mung appears to jump of the bridge onto a frozen lake, the scene references the 1946 Christmas movie It's a Wonderful Life.
  • This is the second episode to show Mung and Truffles kissing.
  • It is shown that Gorgonzola can increase the intensity of his candle's flame at will.
  • Up until 2013, This episode used to air every Christmas season by Cartoon Network, even after Chowder no longer regularly aired on the network. However, the episode did manage to air once more on Christmas Eve 2021.
  • The character Knish Kringle is a parody of Santa Claus.
  • This episode is also parodied as part of the "Reanimated Collab" by fans, where each of them redraw/reanimate one scene in particular order. The collab was released on December 31, 2020.
  • The full episode was included in Cartoon Network’s Happy Holidays from Cartoon Network YouTube live stream following other classic holiday specials from The Powerpuff Girls, Billy and Mandy, Flapjack, etc.


  • Gazpacho (in puppet form) introduces the episode as a Christmas Special.


ve List of episodes
Season 1 The Froggy Apple Crumple ThumpkinChowder's GirlfriendBurple NurplesShnitzel Makes a DepositGrubble GumThe Cinnamini MonsterCertifrycation ClassThe Sing BeansThe Wrong AddressThe Wrong CustomerMahjongg NightStinky LoveThe Thrice Cream ManThe Flibber Flabber DietGazpacho Stands UpA Taste of MarzipanThe Puckerberry OverlordsThe ElemelonsAt Your ServiceChowder and Mr. FuguThe VacationThe Sleep EaterSniffleballMung on the RocksThe Heavy SleeperThe Moldy TouchThe Bruised BluenanaShnitzel and the Lead FarfelThe Thousand Pound CakeThe Rat SandwichChowder Loses His HatBrain GrubShnitzel QuitsThe Broken PartThe Meach HarvestBanned from the StandCréme Puff HandsThe Apprentice Games
Season 2 The ArboriansThe Garage SalePanini for PresidentChowder's BabysitterThe Fire BreatherThe Flying Flinger LingonsHey, Hey It's Knishmas!Chowder's Catering CompanyThe Catch PhraseThe Hot DateShopping SpreeThe Party CruiseWon Ton BombsThe Big Hat BiddiesThe Deadly MazeKid ShnitzelGazpacho Fights BackThe BLT'sThe Trouble with TrufflesThe Dinner TheaterBig BallThe Brain FreezeThe Snail CarThe LollistopsEndive's Dirty SecretBig FoodPaint the TownThe BlackoutThe Dice CycleThe Chain RecipeThe GardenSheboodlesGazpacho Moves InMy Big Fat Stinky WeddingApprentice Appreciation DayThe Grape WormA Faire to RememberTofu Town Showdown
Season 3 Hands on a Big MixerThe Blast RazThe Spookiest House in MarzipanThe Poultry GeistThe Apprentice ScoutsThe Belgian Waffle Slobber-BarkerA Little Bit of Pizzazz!The Birthday SuitsThe HeistThe PrankOld Man ThymeChowder's MagazineWeekend at Shnitzel'sTaste BudsGazpacho!The TootsChowder Grows Up