Chowder Fan Club

The Puckerberry is an exceptionally sour fruit. Chowder ate one in The Puckerberry Overlords.


Puckerberries are highly dangerous and sour fruits. They are light green-yellow in color and rough in texture. They also grow on trees.


To harvest puckerberries, don safety equipment such as a full hazmat suit. At the time of maximum ripeness, use tongs to immediately pluck the berry by cutting the green stem and not the red stem.


  • If ingested, it can cause effects such as watering eyes, extreme flatulence, a puckered face, jitters, and implosion (caused by the consumer's body being pulled inside itself by the lips puckering inward so much). The implosion vortex gets stronger over time until consumer ends up in his/her own mouth.
  • They are used in recipes such as the Puckerberry Squirt Tart.
  • Puckerberries are potentially explosive, as Mung says that the sour juices could have destroyed the kitchen.