Chowder Fan Club

Mung Daal thinks Chowder is too lazy so he makes him play a game of sniffleball. To Chowder's dismay, Panini and Gorgonzola are also playing. Gazpacho umpires the game.

Sniffle Ball rules[]

Sniffle ball is much like the game of baseball, except sniffle ball is played with a "Booger ball" instead of a regular baseball. It also has 14 bases insted of 4 and all the bases have their own obstcles. An example is that you must climb a tree to get to a base.




Gorgonzola-Pitcher(nicknamed "The Zinger")/Batboy



  • Gorganzola is first said to be bat boy, and then gets on the mound

as the Zingor to pitch to Chowder

  • There are 13 bases in "Sniffle ball"
  • The Zingor is a slow, ground ball to the plate, the only way to hit it is to take a

golf swing.

  • It is revealed that When Panini kisses Chowder it sometimes causes him emotional pain.