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"The Apprentice Games" is the 38th episode of series and the final episode of Season 1 of Chowder. It is the second 22-minute episode of the series, after "Shnitzel Quits".



The Apprentice Games has begun. Mung and Chowder tried to enter the contest, but the guards wouldn't let them in due to being considered "non-legitimate" (likely something to do with Chowder being out of shape). They would let in Endive and Panini, but Chowder and Mung went into the contest by riding Endive. Then Panini told Chowder that the contest is a physical contest, Which Mung purposely forget to tell Chowder, so Chowder hide but Meg convinces him to play when he got the ultimate thrice cream. Chowder then teamed up with Gorgonzola as Panini teamed up with Ceviche. The two boys were fighting each other, making them lose as Panini and Ceviche wins. So Mung and Stilton decided to dress up as Chowder and Gorgonzola and win. They bagged them and sent them floating down the river on something floating. When they got out the bag Gorgonzola fell into the river. Chowder saved his life, went back to the games, and sang a population-driving song off key:

"I don't know how I got here. I don't know where I`m going, but I'm not letting my pride go down the river a flowing. Mung and Stilton here our plea, we're doing the best are we. All we ask of thee is ultimate thrice cream... in the name of dignity! Woo."

With the Queen and everyone else gone everyone started fighting and no one won. Chowder says at the end they will buy some ultimate thrice cream with the medals while their masters fight for it.


1st Appearence: Ceviche, Stilton


  • Ceviche is introduced in this episode portrayed by Elan Garfias in Season 1-2, and Nicky Jones Season 3.
  • The medals that Mung, Stilton and Endive were fighting for were fake since Chowder has them.
  • The second episode that shows Endive's true feelings for Mung.
  • This episode is the season 1 finale.
  • Stilton's wax candle was blue instead of red.
  • The rabbit character dancing with the girl character looks very similar to Roger Rabbit from the 1988 film Who Framed Roger Rabbit.
  • The winner of the Marzipan City Hunger Games is never determined in the end.
    Apprentice games entrance
    When Panini was scratching Chowder and the others with her claws, Chowder's fake ears disappeared. * When Panini said "Don't judge me" is similar to a song called Surfacing from the band Slipknot when the band's vocalist sings the lyric "Don't ever judge me!".
  • The title of the episode maybe a reference to The Hunger Games.
  • In this episode, Gorgonzola was worried his flame will go out when he was in the river, this means that he might die if it goes out, but in the apprentice scouts, his flame went out and he was okay.
  • The reason Chowder and Mung were not considered legitimate was possible because of Chowder being out of shape.
  • Chowder is hinted to have feelings for Gorgonzola.
  • This episode shows Chowders forbidden romance with Gorgonzola.


ve List of episodes
Season 1 The Froggy Apple Crumple ThumpkinChowder's GirlfriendBurple NurplesShnitzel Makes a DepositGrubble GumThe Cinnamini MonsterCertifrycation ClassThe Sing BeansThe Wrong AddressThe Wrong CustomerMahjongg NightStinky LoveThe Thrice Cream ManThe Flibber Flabber DietGazpacho Stands UpA Taste of MarzipanThe Puckerberry OverlordsThe ElemelonsAt Your ServiceChowder and Mr. FuguThe VacationThe Sleep EaterSniffleballMung on the RocksThe Heavy SleeperThe Moldy TouchThe Bruised BluenanaShnitzel and the Lead FarfelThe Thousand Pound CakeThe Rat SandwichChowder Loses His HatBrain GrubShnitzel QuitsThe Broken PartThe Meach HarvestBanned from the StandCréme Puff HandsThe Apprentice Games
Season 2 The ArboriansThe Garage SalePanini for PresidentChowder's BabysitterThe Fire BreatherThe Flying Flinger LingonsHey, Hey It's Knishmas!Chowder's Catering CompanyThe Catch PhraseThe Hot DateShopping SpreeThe Party CruiseWon Ton BombsThe Big Hat BiddiesThe Deadly MazeKid ShnitzelGazpacho Fights BackThe BLT'sThe Trouble with TrufflesThe Dinner TheaterBig BallThe Brain FreezeThe Snail CarThe LollistopsEndive's Dirty SecretBig FoodPaint the TownThe BlackoutThe Dice CycleThe Chain RecipeThe GardenSheboodlesGazpacho Moves InMy Big Fat Stinky WeddingApprentice Appreciation DayThe Grape WormA Faire to RememberTofu Town Showdown
Season 3 Hands on a Big MixerThe Blast RazThe Spookiest House in MarzipanThe Poultry GeistThe Apprentice ScoutsThe Belgian Waffle Slobber-BarkerA Little Bit of Pizzazz!The Birthday SuitsThe HeistThe PrankOld Man ThymeChowder's MagazineWeekend at Shnitzel'sTaste BudsGazpacho!The TootsChowder Grows Up